창의적/능동적 말하기를 위한 3단계 스피킹 교재
(판매중)  정가14,000원
대상 |
Beginner ~ High Beginner
출시일 | 2012. 10 |
※ 해당 파일의 저작권은 ㈜NE능률에 있으며 이를 무단으로 복제하는 것은 저작권법에 저촉됩니다.
저자 | Shawn Despres |
페이지 수 | 105 |
IBSN | 9788966944385 |
구성 | Student Book, Workbook, MultiROM |
Unit 1 What's your name?
Unit 2 What are you good at?
Unit 3 She's goof at dancing.
Unit 4 Are you ready to order?
Unit 5 What does your button look like?
Unit 6 He orders grape juice.
Unit 7 May I help you?
Unit 8 Let's have a race
Unit 9 She wants to build a sandcastle.
Unit 10 Whose key is this?
Unit 11 Where was your poster?
Unit 12 His piggy bank was under the desk.
Supplementary Material
- Review Test 1,2,3,4
- Role-play Scripts
- Cutouts(Finger Puppets)